
A diplomatic victory!
Av Hall Skåra, 22. Desember 2012 22:10
Sist endret 24. Desember 2012 09:33

This is the second season for the diplomat Charles Hill in Oslo Backgammonklubb. In the first season, he was a true diplomat and let his Norwegian hosts win the league tournament. In his second season, however, he left all his diplomatic behavior at work and wiped all the competition off the board. Here is a portrait of the winner of the OBgK’s league tournament fall 2012.

Charles Hill grew up in Cornwall, southwest in England. «Some say it is the most beautiful part of England,» Charles says in his diplomatic manner. «The main business opportunities are tourism, fishing and farming. My family was not involved in any of these, however, and I ended up studying history at London University.»

After ending his studies, Charles used the opportunity to travel. «Among others, I worked in France and Australia. Down under I spent six months selling encyclopedias. Interesting work!»

When he returned to London in 1990, he missed travelling. «When I saw an advertisement by the office of foreign affairs, I applied. I thought it would be perfect working for them. I would get the opportunity to travel, and as you know: Today’s current affairs, is tomorrow’s history!»

Charles got the job and has so far been stationed in four different countries: Qatar, Kazakhstan, Oman and Norway. «The one thing these countries all have in common, is that they are all oil and gas exporters!» Charles says with a smile.

«How do you like Norway?» we wonder. «I like it,» Charles exclaims. «But you know, all places have something good and bad about them. The important thing is to appreciate the good and not worry about the bad.»

«What are the good and bad parts about Norway, do you think?» we ask Charles. «Well, Norway is first of all a very comfortable place to live. The quality of life is good as also verified by United Nation’s reports time after time. People are very friendly. Some say that they are reserved, but so are British people, so I feel very much at home,» Charles says with a laugh.

«We know you are a diplomat, but can you reveal what you consider the bad parts of Norway to be?» we ask without really expecting too much. «Well, it is a very expensive country. I think Norway really should be aware that this might become a problem for the country the day the oil runs out. And then the winters are a little long, cold and dark. However, I have learned some Norwegian,» Charles admits. «I can say: Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær!»

«You probably have met more famous Norwegian people than most Norwegians as the deputy British ambassador,» we guess. «Yes, I have been to dinner at the palace and met the royal family,» Charles admits. «It was when prince Charles was on a visit to Norway.» «Did you talk to them?» we wonder. «Well, I shook their hands. Prince Charles asked if I was from Bergen too,» Charles says with a laugh. «Obviously, the lady that shook his hand in front of me in the line was from the west coast.»

Another nice tradition that my family takes part in is to help pick out the Christmas tree, together with the mayor of Oslo, that is to be sent to England. It is placed at Trafalger Square in London and is given as a gift for Great Britain’s help to the Norwegians during the Second World War. My two kids always help with the task.»

Charles has been in Norway for three and a half years now. «I only have half a year to go before I return to London,» Charles says with a sigh. «We are only stationed in one particular country for four years. So I only have one more chance to defend my league tournament victory. However, I will definitely continue to be a member of OBgK and play rated matches on GridGammon even after leaving the country.»

«We talked about bad things about being here,» Charles says closing off. «The one bad thing is that I didn’t discover that you had a backgammon club before I had spent three years here. I have truly enjoyed myself and this is the first time I have played live backgammon as all my previous matches were played online before coming to Oslo.»

Charles is a true diplomat and a perfect example of a friendly and polite Englishman. OBgK is honored that he has chosen to play in our club and would like to congratulate him on his tournament victory!