
The Jedi Report : RELOADED
Av Geir Pedersen, 21. Mai 2003  
The GEIRTRIX is all aorund you... To all of you that thinks there is more to life than backgammon!

We all live in a world filled with hope, deceive, illusions and even magic. But what is typical for the new millennium? The wife cheats on you, the boss is giving you the sack because of tax manipulation, your dentist is a sadistic asshole with a thing for sharp objects, and Irak is getting nuked because it is to little oil in America! So..,what is left when all the human dignity has disappeared down the hole where all the toilet paper eventually ends up? Well, it used to be backgammon, but not anymore! The times were games were games and strategy, actually were strategy, are over. We used to study literature, great players and great victories. We played on personal beliefs and convictions…Were did the passion go? A dice roll is no longer magic as it used to be. Back in the 15-century dices, lots and everything depending on chance was considered a task for the divine will. Destiny if you like. And you don’t mess with the will of the gods! They can give you 5-2 for the rest of your life, just for the fun of it! But, now we don’t believe in anything! Everything is proved by statistics and science. Snowie, Gnu and Jellyfish even took the last dignity away from the old champions breaking the noble art of backgammon down to bits and pieces, taking our wholly activity away from Magic... and towards Science.

These days you go to a café, play some money sessions, loose 100$, goes furious home, not even noticing the dentist leaving through the backdoor of your wife’s kitchen looking like a 66 on the run. You fire up the neural power floating inside your computer, run the positions you unbelievably lost….and BINGO. U dial your opponent number, and with a fling of hate tells him that he is still a half pathetic, dice digging jerk! This is of course until a few days later when you download the latest Gnu-version telling you that you both played like idiots. A harsh pill to swallow, and U are still a 100 dead Kennedy’s down! On top of this, the wife is leaving you for the dentist, who obviously never had any interest in your teeth, your unemployment checks are delayed and Irak has become a parking lot for the shakes of Kuwait. Fredric Dahl, Osaya and Øystein Johnsen have no idea what destructive forces they have unleashed into society! Artificial intelligence is not be ignored!

In a couple of 100 years when aliens finally get to explore what is left of our planet, they are going to ask the question «what happened?». Well…it was not Saddam, it was not Bin laden. It was the neural conspiracy! Networks first designed for pathetic backgammon programs…then spreading into the information networks of the world wide web, constantly learning. First moves, then cubes, which are the basis of the human psychology, then behaviour patterns, the way you eat, talk, and when you pay your bills. As it it get smarter, lets say Gnu –2004, it unknowingly hacks into every economic and defensive database on the planet, making the CIA, FBI, KGB, J.E.D.I, UN, NATO and EU powerless.

At one point, in a very near future, when the neural networks consider themselves as ca. 78% smarter then the human race… It acts! The statistics shows: 78% massive destruction, 22% total destruction, and 2% wipe-out…And they don’t give second chanses… Blunders were given the human race to perform… and we did them all. Bush got to be President, Saddam was born, Shaab got the taxi license, and Spice Girls made it to the top of the charts. Coincidence??? Not likely! And it all started just before the new millennium when programs such as Snowie and Gnu gradually gave mankind the illusion that they were great players. Instead of telling them how bad they really were, it kept mankind happy, giving supernatural, extra-terrestial etc. to a rapidly growing percentage of the population, creating a world of illusions… Gradually the neural conspiracy rose to new levels. Things started to happened:11 of September, the war on Irak, world war III etc, to mention some human setbacks. And all this time, the machines made humans blame humans!

A serious clinch in the mainframe was unavoidable. In this GEIRTRIX…nobody could see the future coming! And it never did…

So the next time you are choosing dices, don’t blame me if you choose the blue one instead of the red…And the next time you look into the soul of your laptop, very impressed with your own cube actions…. Look again! And you might just get it in time…

There is no cube…